Wednesday, 9 January 2008

I sat at the computer all day yesterday and worked on my novel. This is the first time I have revealed this on here.
The novel is a romantic fantasy entitled 'The Waterborne'. It is about a married couple who are separated when the wife (Alex) is drowned whilst swimming in the Med. Her husband (Philip) is an angler and after her death his anger at his loss leads him into conflict with an evil bird - a cormorant. Philip is unaware that those who have an affinity with the water become Waterborne spirits after their death. When his loss becomes unbearable he jumps in a river and finds himself as one of the Waterborne and discovers that they can be re-united in this world.
Unfortunately the evil cormorant, who has the power to destroy the Waterborne spirits, knows of their quest to find each other and does all he can to prevent it.
It is a love story, a fight against evil, a fantasy about life after death and an exploration of the world beneath the surface.
One of the driving forces that leads a person to become an angler is the fascination of the mystery of what goes on beneath the surface of the water and angling is about going part way towards unravelling that mystery.
My novel started as an attempt to fully unravel the mystery of what lies beneath.

1 comment:

R Grayling said...

Hi Graham,

Glad you're feeling better and getting some of your novel done - can't wait to read some more of it when it's ready. I, unfortunately, did not get much done over the break but I least I had a rest from computers for a bit. Back on form now though.

Keep up the Russian blog - am finding it very interesting - a Northern English perspective of the USSR is definitely different.

Cheers tovarich
