Tuesday, 9 October 2007


Everywhere I go on the web I give the name 'Grayling': it is my 'username'. It is also the name of a fish and that is why I chose it.
For the civilians* out there I will describe the grayling:
It is a fish of clear streams and sparkling rivers, a member of the salmon family and a native to Yorkshire. It is a shoal fish. It is silvery in appearance and has a huge sail of a dorsal fin, which has purple and pinkish hues. It is a beautiful fish and is called 'The lady of the stream'. It shares the water with the brown trout and the chub. Anglers love to see it because it is an indicator of water quality - the grayling is intolerant of even the slightest pollution and will quickly migrate upstream if any appears. It rises readily to the dry fly.
*civilians - those who do not belong to the community of anglers.

Grayling also happens to be the family name of one of the owners of the 'Struggling Authors' website: Richard Grayling lives in York, which was the home city of my birth. I was in fact born in Riccall, a village outside York, and a place where Richard once lived for a short time. I would like to have had the family name Grayling, but Graham Grayling would have been a bit music hall; but then, I am sure my parents would have called me something more sensible like Richard. Now that would have been an extraordinary co-incidence!

1 comment:

R Grayling said...

Yes, but what if your parents then called you Richard Graham Grayling - imagine having that as a name!

Yours (and thanks for the plug)
Richard Graham Grayling